You don't have to be the best at everything, you just need to try your best.
How does it work?
Past Papers
On this page you will find every Edexcel past paper. For each paper, you can download the official mark scheme, official grade boundaries, and my fully worked solutions.
If you will be sitting OCR or AQA, the Edexcel papers will still be a good revision tool, but remember you can find other all other past papers online!
Progress Tracker
You can also download your progress tracker here. This will help you to keep a record of the papers you have completed and your grade. You can record your results 3 times for the same paper, so you should be able to see how you improve over time!
Download your progress tracker
The steps:
1. Print out your progress tracker.
2. Complete a past paper.
2. Mark the paper and record your score.
3. Use the grade boundaries to find your grade.
4. Don't forget to add the date!
5. Focus your revision on topics you lost marks on.
6. Re-do the past paper at a later date.
(This could be a few weeks/months later!)
7. Improve your grade!
How to use past papers to revise?
Pick a past paper and complete it in exam conditions. Mark your paper and fill in your progress tracker. Make a note of a few topics that you lost marks on.
Have another go at the past paper. Record your score on your progress tracker to see how much you have improved.
Revise your chosen topics:
- Complete the topic booklet.
- Look through the worked solutions.
- Look over your class notes.
- Request the next revision lesson!
Past Papers
All Edexcel past papers, official mark schemes, my worked solutions and official grade boundaries!
Tip: When you complete your fist few past papers you may find them quite hard. The more you practice the better you will get. Just try your best and pick up every mark you can!